3 Quotes & Sayings By Andre Averbug

Andre Averbug was born in Moscow, Russia. Andre studied journalism at Moscow State University and then moved to the United States in 1975. He worked as a reporter, editor and photographer for various newspapers and magazines. In 1982 he wrote his first book, The Legacy of the Soviet Union's Gulag Read more

In 1987 he moved to Israel where he worked as a writer, editor and photographer for various publications including the Jerusalem Post and the New York Times. In 1991 Andre published his second book: Lost in Russia: The Untold Story of American POWs Abroad During World War II and in 1993 his third: The Man Behind Stalin. Andre has traveled extensively in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, meeting with relatives of U.S.

POW/MIAs who served during World War II. Andre also authored two books about the war in Russia: From the Tsar's Council to Yeltsin's Government: A Brief History of Russia Since 1917 and The Lost Battalion: The Untold Story of the Men Who Survived Russia’s Bloodiest Battle .

Each person has to face this challenge — you must search inside yourself. The props — surroundings, interactions, rituals, customs and superstitions — are just palliatives. You have to achieve your balance on your own; it has to come from the self. Once you get there, you can afford the luxury of lavishing your life with the pleasures of your drifting journey. Andre Averbug
The problem with happiness is that it’s a difficult thing to detect. It’s discreet and serene by definition. Just when you think you’ve found it, it’s likely just a spark of euphoria, as quick and fleeting as fireworks. Human beings are therefore doomed to feeling happy without knowing it or experiencing brief and unstable glimmers of euphoria. There aren’t many people who have the tantric ability to fully experience happiness, detached from the bliss of euphoria. Andre Averbug